Mastermind Application: Maximizing Flex Time + Intervention Periods in Middle & High Schools
The purpose of this Mastermind Group is to bring together school leaders from across the United States to work together and help each other enhance the impact of their flex time and intervention periods by presenting best practices, sharing resources, and helping each other overcome challenges.

All interested parties should meet the baseline criteria below:

 - Be a school leader (e.g. principal, dean, assistant principal, teacher leader, or comparable position) in a middle or high school that is charged with a large leadership role as it relates to flex time and/or intervention and enrichment within their school building

 - Already have a flex period in place or be committed to starting one in the near future (those in early exploration stages will be considered on a case by case basis)

 - Be committed to their own growth and helping others grow

 - Be open to share ideas, ask questions, and support their peers with honesty, respect, and compassion

NOTE: there is no cost to join this group if admitted, but we do ask that you are committed to being an active participant.

For more information on this group, the benefits of joining, and what to expect, please visit the link below:

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Position *
School Name *
District Name *
School Website / URL *
Does your school already have a Flex Period? *
What do you hope to get out of this group? *
Please limit response to 5 sentences.
What do you believe you can contribute to this group? *
Please limit response to 5 sentences.
Why do you believe you'd be a good fit for this group? *
Please limit response to 5 sentences.
What questions do you have about joining this group?
Is there anything else we should know that has not already been shared before making a decision?
Do you have anyone else you think would be a good fit for this group? If so, feel free to list their name and email below and share the link with them.
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