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A Small Hotel Paperback: $20

The Man I Love: $20
Give Me Your Answer True: $20
Here to Stay: $16
The Ones That Got Away: $16

Set of all four Fish Tales: $60

Daisy, Daisy (Hardcover): $20
Daisy, Daisy (Paperback): $10

An Exaltation of Larks: $20
A Charm of Finches: $20
A Scarcity of Condors $20
The Voyages of Trueblood Cay: $20
Tales from Cushman Row: $10
A Plump of Woodcocks: $10

Set of all 6 Venery Books: $90

An Evening at the Hotel: $5
Love and Bravery: Sixteen Stories: $10

These prices include shipping within the United States.

International orders will be charged additional shipping rates (approx $20 USD)
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