PBA Entre.YouthWork                                                     Early Bird Registration
Event Timing: 23rd to 29th of January 2023
Event Address: Hotel Metropol, Tallinn, Estonia
Event Details: http://lifezonegroup.com/entreyouthwork, check regularly for updates
Contact: projects@lifezonegroup.com
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Name and surname as stated in your passport *
Email *
Phone number *
Partner organisation *
My role in the organisation *
Country and place where you will be travelling from/to. If it is different from the official address of your NGO, please let us know, as we need to consult with the NA. *
The route and price of the return tickets, business webpage where the tickets will be purchased from *
By signing up for the participation, I agree that: *
Thank you for the registration!
If you have any questions or comments, please drop them here or to email  projects@lifezonegroup.com.
We will return the replies within 5 working days from the receipt of the registration or email. 
Until then!
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