We wanted everyone in the UX community to get the opportunity to share and care on a daily basis, not just on the conference or the meetup. So, we started a so-called Slack chat that we call UX open Snack, where you can get both nibbles and big bites of good stuff whenever you want it. So, join in and chat with like-minded people about everything UX and probably a lot of things outside of it as well. The language will mainly be in Swedish, but do start talking in English as well and people will answer you. We promise.
When you have registered below, you will get an e-mail with instructions on how to create a Slack account, then you are in. The address is
uxopensnack.slack.com in your browser in case you forget it, but we do recommend you to use an app if you're running Windows, OSX, iOS and/or Android.
With that said, chat away!