The Kakos Industries Listener Census 2023-4
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How Old Are You?
What Country Do You Live In?
If you're in the US, what state do you live in?
If Podcaster Conrad Miszuk was in your neighborhood, could he sleep on your couch?
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Do you have any media production skills?
What year did you start listening to Kakos Industries?
What is your gender?
How did you first find out about Kakos Industries?
How much of Kakos Industries have you listened to?
At what episode of Kakos Industries did you decide you were in for the long haul?
What is your favorite episode of Kakos Industries?
What are your favorite parts of the Kakos Industries podcast? (Episodes, arcs, characters, jokes, sentimental moments)
What would you like to hear more of in Kakos Industries?
How do you describe Kakos Industries to others?
If you had to spend $5-30 on a podcast's Patreon, what offers or rewards would lead you to spend that money on Kakos Industries?
How many other (scripted) audio drama podcasts do you currently listen to?
How many fiction podcasts do you listen to that aren't scripted audio drama? (TTRPG, Improvised, etc.)
How many other podcasts do you currently listen to?
How do you typically consume podcasts?
What app do you typically use to listen to podcasts?
How long have you been listening to podcast audio drama in general?
Which kind of audio drama do you usually prefer?
Do you also listen to
How do you typically find new podcasts to listen to?
Where did you hear about this survey?
Have you watched any of the recent Kakos Industries episodes as video at
Have you been to to purchase Kakos merchandise?
What sort of merchandise would you like to see in the future?
Are you a Patreon Patron?
Have you joined the Kakos Industries Discord? You can right here:
Have you entered the Ruin-A-Life Drawing? You can for free right here: *
Have you listened to The Never Rad Miscellany? (
Do you do a cool thing you want me to know about? Gimme that sweet link
Are you Denny?
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Okay, so what name do you want to enter as the potential Employee Spotlight character? I will reach out to confirm if you win.
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