MSAP Term 1
Dates: September 14th, 21st, 28th & October 5th
Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Contact: Cheyenne Poe: 760.895.8289
Cost: FREE
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Student Name *
Parent Name *
Parent Email *
Phone Number *
School *
Grade *
Class 1st pick *
Class 2nd pick *
Comments, concerns, extra information you would like us to know about your student:
I agree to attend all 4 classes. In case of prior commitment or emergency, I will contact the MSAP admin and notify them at (760) 895-8289 *
  I hereby grant The Desert Art Center permission to use candid photos of my student and/or their artwork taken during class sessions for promotional purposes, including but not limited to social media, websites, and printed materials. I understand that these images may be used to showcase the activities and programs of The Desert Art Center.  
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