Delivery Companies 
Delivery Companies 
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What is your name? *
What is the name of your business (if applicable)
What is your Phone number?
what is your email address:?
what is the physical address of your business?
What type of items do you currently Deliver?
What parts of the country or States do you cover?
Have you done door-to-door delivery in the past?
If you do door-to-door delivery, What would you charge for door-to-door delivery in your state?
If you do door-to-door delivery outside your state, what would you charge for door-to-door delivery outside your state?
If you do single-point delivery within your state, What would you charge for a Single-point delivery within your state?
If you do single-point delivery outside your state, what would you charge for a Single-point delivery outside your state?
How long will it take you to deliver within the state?
How long will it take you to deliver outside the state?
If an item you picked up gets lost or damaged in transit, are you willing to bear some responsibilities?
If you are not able to meet your guaranteed delivery deadline, are you willing to bear some responsibilities?
Do you have different price ratings for urgent deliveries?
Do you have a tracking system in place?
What transportation means do you use for delivery?
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