LTHS Boys Soccer Booster Club Membership Form 
Welcome to LTHS Boys Soccer!  Congratulations on your student athlete making the LTHS Boys Soccer Teams. Now, it is up to us, the parents,  to help to make the upcoming school soccer season the best it can be by joining the LTHS Boys Soccer Booster Club!  The mission of the booster club is to support the student athletes, and coaches of the LTHS Boys Soccer team by involving parents of the student athletes in volunteering, and  fundraising.  The end goal is to create a culture of soccer excellence and building team comradery and memories that last a lifetime. 
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Email *
Player Name 1 *
Grades *
Player Name 2 
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Parent Name  *
Parent Cell Phone 
Parent 2 Name 
Parent 2 Cell Phone 
Volunteering Interest  *
LTHS Booster Club Membership Dues 
The membership dues are $75 per family.  The preferred payment methods is Zelle ($75) Paypal ($79) with email
For all concession volunteers, please see below link to take the Food Handler Certification Course.  Easy and fast and valid for two years.
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