Email/Mailing Removal Request Form
Please submit this form to request removal from GCR's Email and direct mail marketing lists.
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Email Address
Mailing Address
Mailing City
Mailing State
Mailing Zip Code
I no longer wish to receive (check all that apply)
*Disclaimer when receiving a marketing piece.
We do not maintain any particular direct mailing lists within GCR that are shared across all departments. Each department and real estate agent is responsible for managing their own list.

Maintaining internal mailing lists and third-party mailing lists are two different things. We have no control over the information within third-party databases which are primarily used by the agents. For example, the information provided to agents via CRS (Courthouse Retrieval System) is retrieved from the Georgetown and Horry counties tax assessor’s office; the property owner associated with the tax map number of a property.

New mailing lists are pulled from the database each time a direct mailing is sent, as the county tax database is updated daily. To discontinue receiving mailings, you will need to contact the county to have your address removed from that database. In the case of deceased individuals, we advise the trustee/spouse to contact the county tax assessor’s office and ask for the information to be updated.

Horry County Tax Assessor’s Website -

Georgetown County Tax Assessor’s Website -
I have read the above disclaimer and understand that Garden City Realty will do it's best to accommodate my request, but it is not guaranteed. I understand the best way to ensure removal from mailing lists is to contact the tax assessors office. *
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