Investment Management Principles & Practices
A Capacity Building Workshop for Conservation Trust Funds
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Participant’s Name *
Participant's Fund *
Position and Role of Participants (tick all those that apply) *
Did your Conservation Trust Fund/Environmental Fund participate in the Conservation Trust Investment Survey (CTIS) for calendar year 2016? *
Do you have an Investment Policy Statement that guides your investment management? *
Who currently manages your Fund’s investments? *
Who is responsible for the monitoring of your Fund’s investments? (you may choose more than one): *
Please indicate the types of investments your fund manages *
Please indicate approximately the total amount (indicate currency) in each type of fund you ticked in the previous question:
Is the Fund’s investment policy and decision-making process clear to (you may choose more than one): *
a. All staff
b. Finance staff
c. Investment consultants
d. Investment Committee Members
e. Board Members
How is the Investment Committee selected?
Please describe any difficulties or challenges that you face with your Fund’s investment management
Please list any specific areas you would like to consider or discuss during the Investment Management workshop
If you are an African or Asian-Pacific Fund, you can request travel support from RedLAC-CAFE Project K. Did you request this travel support? *
Each participant is responsible for his/her own hotel reservation. This can be done using the code REDLAC2017 at this link: 
If you are participating in RedLAC Assembly after the workshop is finished, you also need to complete RedLAC registration form at: 
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