Questionnaire for your SEO Campaign
The Great marketing Plan begins with Deep Information, better we would know you faster we can connect with your vision. And the Ultimate Goal is to work hand in hand with you as your own team.

You can mention NA where you feel you want to pass the question.

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SEO Process
Please share the Website URL.   *
Who is your Ideal Customer?
What is your target location? Please specify focussed locations that you would deliver your service/Product to, can be Cities, States or the Entire Country.
What is the USP(Unique Selling Proposition) of your service/product/business? How you are better than your Competitor?
How Much Revenue you would like to Target after this Campaign?
What are your Goals? It can be number of new clients that you would like to acquire. Or the number of Sales that you would like to achieve in a month.
Based on Previous Reports, How Many Inquiries-Leads, or visitors do you need per sale?
What is your average ticket size of a sale.
What is your Target for Visitors? How many visitors do you envision to bring on your website? Based on this target, I would add the number of keywords to the campaign.
What All marketing verticals you want to work on to acquire leads.
What All marketing verticals you are working currently.
Have you ever worked with an SEO Agency or PR Agency, if yes, do you have a previous report?
Who do you consider the leading organisation in your niche, please list at least 3 online Competitors?
What is your budget for Marketing, Paid Campaigns, PR, Social Media & SEO. (Per Month) 
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We would need access to the following items if you can add "" so we can assess the current status.                                                                       (Sign in to Google Analytics, Then Click Admin, and navigate to the property. Click User Management. In the Account permissions list, click +, then click Add users. Enter the email address for the user's Google Account.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Google Search Console
Google Analytics
Google My Business.
Google Ads
Any Online Listing like Yelp or other
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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