BlessFest Workshop Facilitator Application
This application is for movement, meditation, ceremony, and workshop leaders to apply. 

Given that the festival is in January,  we are compiling all potential workshop offerings now and then making selections monthly in October, November and December.

In exchange for hosting a workshop, workshop holders will be given a free ticket to the festival.
Email *
Best contact for you: Email/Phone number
What's the title of your workshop? If you have a couple options you can list both
Describe your workshop or practice more (briefly) 
Desired length for workshop: 60 or 120 min slot
Please share briefly more about yourself, your training, or lineage of study.
Please share a link to your website or any audio/videos or your work here.
Do you have any restrictions in terms of hosting your workshop (ie. you work weekdays or evenings)? If so, explain.
How did you hear about us?
Questions/ Comments
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