Dear Parent/Guardian of Student Volunteer,
We want your teens to get plugged into ministry. We want them to serve in preschool or our children’s ministry. We want them involved as greeters or serving on the production team. We want to give them a chance to be a part of church now, and not just someday when they’re older.

We want your teens plugged into ministry because we believe that it benefits them. When we serve, we grow. When we get personally involved in ministry, it does something to our relationship with God, because service requires something of us. Our heart begins to beat closer to His heart. We begin to see people the way He does. We begin to understand the compassion Jesus showed. The patience He demonstrated. The selflessness in His character.

And that’s not something we can fully understand by simply being told that we should. We need to experience it. And we want to give your teen that opportunity. We want to help your teen discover who God made them to be, and how to use their passions and gifts for others.

And there’s more. In choosing to serve somewhere, your teen will be around even more adults who will have the responsibility and privilege to speak into their lives as well. For you as a parent, this means having someone else who is nurturing and developing the spiritual life of your child. And this is a big deal.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in growing your teenager into the man or woman God has in mind for them to become.

Please review and submit this form. Your student will be receiving a separate form that they will fill out and sign.

Please complete this by FRIDAY, AUGUST 16. We only need one parent/guardian per household!

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Your Student(s) Name(s) *
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