CRASH LA Makers United Against COVID-19
CRASH Space, a non-profit LA hackerspace, is organizing a collective effort of the Maker community to respond to the immediate needs of health care providers across Los Angeles. We're already collaborating with a number of LA hospitals to help rapidly prototype and produce a variety of personal protective equipment (PPE), but will need to build a massive movement to produce equipment quickly and in large quantities.

Let us know what expertise, equipment, manufacturing, and design resources you'd be willing to share towards a collective response to the COVID-19 crisis in Los Angeles and Southern California by filling out the form below.

Want to get started right away? Check out our GitHub for the latest approved designs and delivery instructions:

You can also join the CRASH Space Slack to get involved with the team in realtime at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Do you opt-in to receiving email updates about the latest manufacturing needs from Los Angeles medical facilities? We will not share this list with any third parties, nor use it for anything other than responding to the crisis. *
Name *
Zip Code (for geographic distribution)
I am a... (check all that apply)
What equipment do you have available?
Describe your equipment (models, build size, etc)
How much 3D printer time ( in hours, across your all printers) can you devote to production per week? (1 week = 168 hours )
Anything else we should know?
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