Preparing to Apply for Drought Relief
Tues. June 14, 12 pm to 12:30 pm

We're going to stop monitoring new registrations as of 11:40 am, June 14. If you want to attend the webinar and haven't registered yet, just use the link below and come on in at 12:00 pm. Scroll all the way down to submit your registration if you want a follow-up message later on with the webinar recording.

Big River Farms is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Drought Relief Webinar

Time: Jun 14, 2022 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 880 6945 6783

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This brief, 30-minute webinar will cover the preparations farmers should make right away to be ready to apply for drought relief for expenses because of last summer's drought. The webinar will focus on specialty crops, but much of the information is the same for livestock producers and they are welcome to attend.

The Minnesota Legislature passed drought relief in the 2022 session. An application period will open June 21 and be open for approximately 10 business days. Get ready now to apply as soon as the application is available!

The webinar will cover the kinds of expenses the drought relief will cover, discuss the kinds of records farmers should assemble and save, and show how to fill out a W-9 form as a sole proprietor.

Hmong, Spanish, Somali, and Swahili interpretation will be provided. Other languages may be available and language requests will be considered. Please contact Jane Jewett at to ask about other languages. Language requests must be received by Friday, June 10 for this June 14 webinar.
Stakeholders from the agricultural and local food community are collaborating to offer this webinar to help prepare farmers to apply for drought relief: Big River Farms, Land Stewardship Project, MN Farmers’ Market Association, MN Farmers Union, MN Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, MN SARE, Renewing the Countryside, Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota, The Good Acre, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

Please register below. You will receive the webinar link in an email before the webinar.
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