Nebraska Marching Contests Registration Form: Individual School Information

Complete this form in order to reserve your slot in any of these contests. You will be contacted at a later date to provide logistical and program information.

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Director's Name *
Director's Email Address *
Director's Phone Number *
Name of School  *
School Address *
NSBA Band Classification (Enrollment Numbers Grades 9, 10, 11) *
NSBA Santioned Contests

The cost for each sanctioned contest is $200 and is payable directly to the site. Invoices will be sent to you shortly after you register. Any band is eligible to participate in any of these contests, you do not need to be a member of NSBA.

Each contest consists of a Preliminary round followed by a critique session and then finals. Awards are presented to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place band in each classification following prelims and to all bands following finals along with Caption awards for Best Percussion, Best Auxiliary, Best Music, Best Visual and Best Effect.

The Wildcat Classic - September 21st 

The Wildcat Classic is hosted by the Millard West High School Marching Band at Buell stadium, which is located on the campus of Millard South High School. 14905 Q Street Omaha, NE 68137.

For more information visit

For late registration email the contest director:

Entry Deadline is August 31st
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The Titan Invitational - September 28th

The Titan Invitational is hosted by the Papillion LaVista South Marching Band on its campus. 10799 NE-370, Papillion, NE 68046

For more information visit

For late registration email the contest director:

Entry Deadline is August 31st
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The Capitol City Band Championships - October 5th 

The Capitol City Band Championships is hosted by the Lincoln Southeast Marching Band at Seacreast Field, which is located on the campus of Lincoln East High School. North side of A Street, East of 70th Street.

For more information visit 

For late registration email the contest director:

Entry Deadline is August 31st

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Elkhorn Sounds of Excellence Marching Invitational - October 12th

The Elkhorn Sounds of Excellence is jointly hosted by the Elkhorn Public Schools' bands, and is hosted at Elkhorn High School, 1401 Veterans Drive, Elkhorn Nebraska.

For more information or any questions, please contact one of the contest directors:
Matthew Rom-
Kyle Dreessen-
Brian Nelsen-

Entry Deadline is August 31st

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The Omaha Marching Invitational - October 19th

The Omaha Marching Invitational is hosted by Omaha Public Schools at Northwest High School. 8204 Crown Point Ave. Omaha, NE 68134.

For more information visit:

For late registration email the contest director:

Entry Deadline is August 31st

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The State Marching Contest - October 26th

The Nebraska State Bandmasters Association State Marching Contest is the culminating event for marching bands in the state of Nebraska. The cost for the State Contest is $200. The directors of participating ensembles must be members of NSBA in order to participate. If you are not a member you may become one by filling out the form at

The State Marching Contest takes place in three sites and in two formats:

The Competition Site is hosted in Omaha and is purely a competition, no ratings are awarded. Bands compete in an open class event although individual class champions are announced and presented with an award. All participating bands receive a placement award and caption awards are presented for Best Percussion, Best Auxiliary, Best Music, Best Visual and Best Effect.

The Festival Site is hosted in two locations one in Lincoln and the other in Kearney. Bands are scored according to a rubric and then assigned a rating in accordance with what class they participate in. Trophies are presented to those bands earning either a Superior or Excellent rating.

Please select your PREFERRED SITE below. For bands electing to participate in the festival site, the requested site will be taken into consideration when the final site assignments are determined. 

Entry Deadline is September 10th

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If attending the State Marching Contest, would you prefer COMMENTS ONLY - NO RATING? *
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