Rdeče zore iščejo nove okrepitve! // The Red Dawns are seeking new forces!

Rdeče zore širimo ekipo. Vabljene_i vse_i, ki vas zanima sodelovanje pri organizaciji mednarodenga kvirovskega in feminističnega festivala, ki vsako leto (že 22 let) poteka okoli 8. marca.

Uvodno srečanje, kje se bomo spoznale_i, preverile_i želje, kapacitete in možnost sodelovanja, bo potekalo v januarju 2022 v prostorih KUD Mreža v AKC Metelkova mesto.


The Red Dawns are inviting new members of the collective. We invite all who wish to help organising this queer and feminist festival which is held every year (for the past 22 years) around the 8th of March.

We will hold a meet and greet sometimes in early January in the office of KUD Mreža at ACC Metelkova city.
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Ime // Name *
Priimek // Surname *
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Telefonska številka // Phone number
Ali se boš udeležila_l januarskega spoznavnega srečanja?  // Will you attend January's meet and greet? *
Kateri dnevi morebitnega srečanja ti najbolj ustrezajo? // Which days for a meet and greet would suit you best?
Katera ura srečanja ti najbolj ustreza? // Which time of the day (for a meet and greet) suits you best?
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Zakaj bi se rada_ pridružila_l kolektivu Rdečih zor? (v nekaj besedah) // Why would you like to join the Red Dawns collective? (in a few words)
Bi nam rada_d še kaj sporočila_l? Imaš kakšno vprašanje za nas? // Is there something else you would like to let us know? Do you have a question for us?
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