Campus Visit Grant Application
Original and itemized receipts are required to complete your application.  Receipts may be uploaded securely by going to and clicking on the "Upload Financial Aid Forms" button at the bottom of the page. All receipts should be clearly marked with the student's full name.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Date of Campus Visit *
Entry Term (ex: Fall 2023, Spring 2024, etc.) *
Type of visit *
Total Travel Expenses  (up to $500 total reimbursement for student only) *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Student Email Address *
Parent Email Address *
Please note the following eligibility requirements for the Arcadia Campus Visit Grant:

*Available to new incoming first year and transfer students who enroll as full-time undergraduate students at Arcadia University and have attended an on-campus Arcadia Undergraduate Admissions program.  

*Students must live at least 250 miles (one-way) from the Glenside Campus.

*Students can receive the grant for one campus visit. Eligible expenses include one standard hotel room for one night and economy travel by train, plane and/or car. Mileage will be reimbursed at the current University reimbursement rate.

*Original and itemized receipts are required.  Receipts may be uploaded securely by going to and clicking on the "Upload Financial Aid Forms" button at the bottom of the page. All receipts should be clearly marked with the student's full name.

*The maximum reimbursement for which a student is eligible is $500. This is a one time, nonrenewable grant. The Campus Visit Grant will appear as a credit, applied directly to the student account, typically by mid-October of the first semester. Students who receive full tuition scholarships are not eligible for the Grant.

*Deadlines: New first year students enrolling in the fall term must visit prior to June 1 of that year. Transfer students enrolling in the fall term must visit prior to August 1 of that year. For all new first year or transfer students enrolling in the spring term, the visit must take place before December 15.
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