Plot Approval
Welcome to the Plot Approval form!

Here we will ask a few questions about your ideas for regional plots!

Try to give us as much information as possible in order for us to help make your plots happen. The more you know, the easier it will be for us!

While we cannot guarantee all plots will happen immediately or at all, we will do our best to accommodate you as much as possible.

Now, tell us what you've got!
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DeviantArt Username *
Discord Username *
What Race does your character belong to? *
What Clan does your character belong to? *
Which of the following best describes your plot? *
In one sentence, tell us what your plot is about. *
Will your plot affect other players? If yes how? *
Please drop a link to a document with all your detailed plot information below. Please ensure that your document is viewable by staff. If we cannot read it, we will not pursue it. *
Do you consent to a member of staff contacting you via DM about your plot approval request?

If you select no, please keep in mind we will be unable to contact you about your request and may be unable to proceed.
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