Report It!
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If this is an emergency, please dial 911!
The Dwight Public Schools' Board of Education's Safety Plan aims to provide a safe learning environment that is focused on student learning.  To achieve this goal, it is important that the students, parents and community partner with Dwight Schools and provide information when it is available and known.  The Anonymous Report It! form allows Dwight Public Schools learning community to share this type of information with district officials in a proactive effort to help keep all students and staff safe.
If you would like to share an anonymous tip with Dwight Schools, please complete the following form with as much detail as possible.  When finished, click the SUBMIT button.  Thank you.
What Happened?
What is the concern? *
Please include who, what, where, and when this takes place
How did you know about this concern?
Specific Location?
Additional Information?
May we contact you for additional information? *
Contact Information
Confidentiality Notice:  This form and all information provided will be held in confidential manner. If provided the name and contact information of the person making this report will only be shared with the Dwight Public Schools administrative officials for the purpose of addressing the reported concern. If the information provided contains significant safety concerns, the proper authorities will be notified.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Crisis Resource information:

If this is an emergency, please dial 911!

Livingston County Non-Emergency Call Center: (815) 844-0911
DCFS Hotline: (800) 252-2879
Crisis And Referral Entry Services: (800) 345-9049
Institute for Human Resources: (815) 844-6109
Institute for Personal Development: (815) 942-6323
Suicide Lifeline: (800)273-8255
Dwight Superintendent : (815) 584-6216
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