Teacher Survey
Hello teachers! Thank you for your past interest in bringing your students to The Fenton History Center. We are exploring potential off-site field trip options to best serve you and your students during this difficult time. An off-site field trip is a field trip experience that doesn't happen at The Fenton, like classroom visits, virtual tours or in classroom activities. On-site field trips may be possible again as restrictions are lifted.

We could use your expertise! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me:

Victoria Parker
Fenton History Center, Jamestown NY
call us at 716-664-6256

Thank you!

Contact Information is required, all other questions are optional.
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Name (First and Last) *
Email *
Phone Number (we will only use this information to contact you if we need more details about your submission) *
What school district do you work at?
What grade do you teach?
Have you brought your students to the Fenton History Center in the past?
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Has your district or school made a decision about field trips for the 2020-2021 school year?
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Would you be interested in an off-site field trip? (One that does not take place at the Fenton)
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My ideal off-site field trip would be: (Check all that apply)
Do you feel there would be money available for your school to pay for programming like this?
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What would be a reasonable amount to pay for an hour long program?
If the Fenton offers virtual content, what platform would work best for you and your students? (ex: Zoom, Google Meets etc.)
We have offered programs in the past on the homespun period (1800-1850), the Victorian period (1850-1900) and topics like immigration and the Underground Railroad. Are there other subjects or topics you would like us to cover?
Anything else we should know? Are there other field trip alternatives we haven't considered? What other kinds of resources would you like to see from the Fenton History Center?
Do you grant the Fenton History Center permission to save and share your answers in the future? *
Do you wish to be contacted by a Fenton History Center Staff Member to give more details or answer any additional questions? *
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