Out of city
Dear Respondent,
Thank you very much for finding yourself on this page.
We appreciate any type of support, advice and collaboration!

This time we invite you to participate in our project by filling the following form and sharing your experiences and places of interest.

In order to fill the questionnaire, please learn the below written:

- This survey is being conducted by “ReadyGo” project developers (the name of the project might be changed in the future) and the aim of the project is to help people to have short breaks from the city by providing information that could assist them on finding and choosing a suitable destinations to "escape" to.

- The purpose of this survey is to add to Project’s database places authentically recommended by travelers.

- The procedure involves filling an online survey which should take approximately 10 minutes.

- Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may choose not to participate. If you decide to participate in this research survey, you may withdraw at any time. If you decide not to participate in this study or if you withdraw from participating at any time, your answers won’t be registered.

- The filled information will be posted in (but possibly not only) our app, but only after verification, approval and refinement (if necessary) by the “Readygo” developers.

- The respondents are offered (but not obliged) to leave their contact details, such as phone numbers or email addresses, to be contacted back in case clarifications will be needed.

- The respondents are offered (but not obliged) to leave their names or Facebook usernames to be published in relation to the submitted information. In case the respondent decides to avoid this option, the gratitude would go to “anonymous”.

- The recommended points of interest can be towns, parks, beaches, attractions, panoramic spots, museums, active or abandoned sites and on. The main criteria is that it has to be outside of cities’ borders.

- Clicking on the "agree" button below indicates that:  
1) You have read the above information.
2) You have understood it.
3) You voluntarily agree to participate in the survey, taking into consideration the information above.  

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