Investigating the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the PR industry
#FuturePRoof engaged with its community and the broader PR industry at the outset of the COVID-19 crisis to understand its immediate impact. We’re repeating the exercise to understand how the industry and its workforce continues to be affected.

Thank you
Sarah and Stephen Waddington
Founder and Chair, #FuturePRoof
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1. Please describe your role (select one option)? *
2. Please describe your level (select one option)? *
3. Where are you based? *
4. What changes do you expect within your team in 2020 (please select all that apply)? *
5. How has COVID19 itself impacted you or your team health wise (please select all that apply)? *
6. Did you undertake any of the following during lockdown (please select all that apply)? *
7. Mental health has been reported as a significant issue from the outset of the pandemic. What measures have you put in place (please select all that apply)? *
8. What impact do you think Brexit will have on the UK economy?
9. How are you preparing for Brexit?
10. Finally, we’d appreciate any comments about your personal resilience and circumstances since the outset of the COVID-19 crisis?
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