Terrell Lane Middle School Contract for Success
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The purpose of this contract is to improve student learning in the current marking period and moving forward during the 2020-2021 school year.  As we have recently completed the first 9 week marking period the student (Type Name Below) has not been successful  resulting in a low first quarter grade.  The low grade(s) is/are due to not turning in assignments and/or participating in daily instruction, whether it be live or via recorded lessons.   With the current grade as low as it is it puts the student at risk of failing for the semester.                                                                                                                                   This Contract for Success puts in place certain criteria, that if met during the 2nd nine weeks will raise the student's average in the class to at least a 50 so he/she can pass for the semester.                                                                                    The student's responsibilities in classes he/she has not been successful include the following:                                                                                                                                                
1. Consistently submits work during the 2nd nine weeks  as this will help with improvement on class assessments and other work.                                                    
2. Attends class on a regular basis (80% of the time), whether in person or virtual, not missing more than 4 classes during the marking period.                                                                                                                    
3.  Attends teacher office hours to get additional support when needed.        
4. Actively participates in class on a daily basis by asking or answering questions related to the material.                                                                                            
5.  Maintains at least a 70 average in each class that the contract is applied.
With this contract it is understood that the teachers are working to make the student more successful by providing this second chance.  The student now takes responsibility for his/her own learning and success in meeting these expectations and opportunities to succeed.  
Student Last name, First Name *
Student Grade Level *
Classes on Contract for Success *
Student Acknowledgement:  By typing my name below, I agree to all items in this form and understand my responsibilities to help me be successful. . *
Parent/Legal Custodian:  By signing below, you agree that you have read and understand the information contained in the Contract for Success and the items put in place to assist your student in being successful.  **Your typed name will serve as your signature. *
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