Advanced Ayurveda Practitioner Training (AAPT) Course Application
The Advanced Ayurveda Practitioner Training (AAPT) is the next step in clinical application and skills after an Ayurvedic Health Counselor (AHC) course. This course aims at introducing the Ayurvedic concepts of disease pathology, pathogenesis and management with the scope of practice in the West. The knowledge and clinical skills are deep seated in classical authentic Ayurvedic practice with the applications as suitable for different populations. In this course, student can expect to learn Nidana (causation), Purva rupas (premonitory signs & symptoms), Rupas (signs & symptoms), Samprapti (Pathogenesis) and Cikitsa (Management methods) of diseases that may arise in different systems.

Each module focuses on a specific system, its functions as understood in Ayurveda and the dysfunctions or disorders that may arise. The modules consist of 40 hours of training, beginning with a 4 days weekend followed by weekly Wednesday night webinars. Discussions regarding common diseases of that system including Ayurvedic management options of Ahara (Diet), Vihara (Lifestyle/ activities), Auśadha (Herbs & Formulations) and Kriyas (therapies & procedures) are taught. Case study presentations of practical application on Cikitsa is included in each module.  

NOTE: This program in not approved by NAMA and may not meet their in-person requirements for attending the NAMACB AP exam.
メールアドレス *
Name *
First and last name
Address  (Full address including City, state, zip code and country)  *
Email *
Phone number *
What are your expectation for the Ayurvedic Practitioner Training? *
Prior Educational Training (Include Degrees, certificate training and Ayurvedic education) *
Which Modules are you interested in attending? Please select all that apply. (Completion of the GI module is mandatory in order to attend the succeeding modules) *
Acknowledgement of Application 
(Please select one option) 
Please Select the method of payment for the non refundable application fee of $100. 
Preferred Method of Payment (Payments are accepted per module and should be submitted 10 days prior to the start of each module) *
Check the box below to acknowledge you have read and agree with all answers in the application. The agreement will serve as your digital signature. 
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