How is the cost-of-living crisis affecting you?
This survey is for people with epilepsy. Family, friends and carers may complete this survey on behalf of somebody with epilepsy.
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How often do you tend to have seizures? *
What is your current employment status? *
Do you receive any benefits? *
Are you experiencing delays with your benefits payments?
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If you selected 'Yes' to the above, how long have the delays been?
How is the cost-of-living crisis affecting you? Please tick up to 5 statements that are true for you. *
Are you using any cost-saving measures to offset escalating costs? If so, please explain here:
If you’d like to tells us more about any of the above, or add something else, please do so here:
If you’re happy to speak to us about your experience of the cost-of-living crisis, please enter your email address and we’ll get in touch.
How old are you? *
Which area of the UK do you live in? *
What is your gender?^
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How would you describe your ethnicity?^
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Fields marked ^

Epilepsy Action is collecting this information to ensure that our commitment to being an inclusive organisation dedicated to eradicating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities for all people is achieved and maintained.

Your information will be stored anonymously, confidentially and used only for the purpose of monitoring our reach, impact and the demographics of people we engage with and support.

All data collected will be stored and monitored in line with relevant legislation. Details of our fair processing is outlined in our Privacy Policy. 

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