Request a Quota Increase for your Cloud Spanner Nodes
Use this form if you have reached a Cloud Spanner node limit and need a higher limit. Learn more at
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Email address *
Company name
Google Cloud Platform project number *
Project number of the project that requires more nodes. This is the project where you created the Cloud Spanner instances that need more nodes. Enter the project number (e.g., 344566788900), not the project ID. Learn how to find your project number at
Cloud Spanner instance configuration *
Enter the location where your instances require more nodes. For example, to request more nodes for instances configured in us-central1, enter “us-central1” below.
Total Number of Nodes Required *
What is the new quota limit you need for this configuration?
Total Data Boost Concurrent Requests Quota Limit Required
What is the new Data Boost concurrent quota limit you need for this configuration?
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