VT/NH CDA Membership Form                 (8/1/2023-7/31/2024)

Thank you for your interest in joining the Vermont/New Hampshire Career Development Association! 

Filling out this form, along with a $25 membership fee ($5 membership fee if a Student), will ensure your membership with the VT/NH CDA and its benefits until July 31, 2024. 

The VT/NH CDA Leadership Team
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last name *
Which state are you currently working and/or residing in? *
What sector do you currently work in? *
School/Business Affiliation *
What industry-related topics are of most interest to you right now?
What is your  preferred social media platform to connect with other professionals (Check each box that applies)? *
How did you hear about VT/NH CDA? *
What would you like to see us post on social media and/or website (Check each box that applies)?
As a member of the VT/NH CDA, select which areas you might be interested in learning more about
Membership Type *
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