2024 GRNC Summer Camp: Youth Mentor Application
Thanks so much for your interest in joining us at GRNC Summer Camp this year! We're looking forward for another amazing year of collaboration & creative expression. 

Please submit your application before our deadline of April 21st, 2024. We will be in touch on a rolling basis with your application status.

If you have any questions throughout this process, please feel free to email us at info@girlsrocknc.org.

Si necesita ayuda para completar esta solicitud, por favor contacte a info@girlsrocknc.org.
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This application is for YOUTH MENTORS -- volunteers who are rising 11th or 12th graders and/or will be 16 - 18 years old at the start of camp.

Youth Mentors are a bridge between the camper and volunteer/staff experience--working with other volunteers and staff to coordinate and facilitate camp while also (if interested) forming bands, having daily band practice, and performing in the showcase a the end of the session!

There will be a few virtual meet-ups before camp starts so we can get to know each other, get to know GRNC, and do a little planning together based on everyone's interests.

If you are older than 18 and out of high school, please wait for the ADULT volunteer Application to be released in March.
Hey Friends!

Thanks for taking the time to apply to be a Youth Mentor at GRNC's 2024 Summer Rock Camp! 

This is a week long music and youth power program for Triangle area trans youth, gender nonconforming youth, and girls, who are rising 3rd - 10th graders. Campers receive instruction on an instrument of their choice, form bands, write original music with their peers, participate in a range of workshops and generate power through creative collaboration.

Camp days run from 9AM-5PM. Drop-off is from 8:30-8:50AM, and we start the day promptly at 9AM.

GRNC does not offer transportation at this time, but we are able to coordinate carpooling with other families. 

Camp will be held in Durham/Chapel Hill at the Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (ERUUF). 

Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4907 Garrett Rd, Durham, NC 27707

We will be offering 2 weeks of camp:
  • Week 1: July 15th - July 19th (rising 3rd to 6th graders)

  • Week 2: July 22nd - July 26th (rising 7th to 10th graders)

The camp showcases, which all campers and Youth Mentors will participate in with their bands, will be on the afternoons of Saturday, July 20th and Saturday, July 27th, respectively, at a music venue in Downtown Durham. 

It's hard for a band to perform without all of its members, so please plan on attending the showcase!

NOTE: GRNC will not be holding camp in Raleigh this year due to organizational capacity shifts, two staff transitions, and other factors. As an organization, we are committed to sustaining our ability to hold camp for years to come and to prioritizing our collective wellness in the process. We are also committed to assisting camper parents based in the Raleigh area find reliable carpool options for camp this year. If this is required, please contact us at info@girlsrocknc.org.

In recognition of rising COVID rates and in alignment with GRNC's core values, this year's policy is that masking is required indoors for all campers and volunteers. A negative PCR test is not required. If feeling sick, camper must stay home. This policy enables us to remain accessible for our immunocompromised campers, volunteers, and organizers.

Are you interested in being involved with the behind-the-scenes planning process for summer camp (including the Youth Mentor experience)? If so, join the 2024 Summer Camp Task Force!

This task force is a network of teams, each of which coordinates an aspect of summer camp: camper recruitment, Youth Mentor recruitment and planning, volunteer recruitment and coordination, media, food, camp curriculum, and gear.

If you would like to join the task force, fill out this form and join the group thread on WhatsApp. [If you are unable to use WhatsApp, just fill out the form and we'll contact you by email!]
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