Gray Ducks Player Interest Form
A team manager or other leadership member will be in touch with you regarding your interest in joining a Gray Ducks team. As Minnesota's largest adult soccer club, we're confident there is an opportunity for you whether playing competitively among our teams, or starting with our recreational opportunities. We have over 500 active players and over 50 teams active in various leagues.
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First and Last Name *
What are your pronouns? *
(e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them)
Email Address *
Phone Number
What level of soccer experience do you possess? *
ALL levels are welcome
Which of the following opportunities are of interest? *
Check all that apply
How did you learn of the Gray Ducks?
Which of the playing formats below are of interest to you?
Check all that apply.
What position do you prefer to play? *
We try to balance teams based on players' position of interest, however you will be expected to play wherever needed (except keeper).
Do you additionally identify as any of the following? *
Our club strives to serve marginalized community members in sport, to help understand how we're doing in this effort, please help by answering the following question | This information is not disclosed or provided privately or publicly and is optional.
Our LGBTQ+ Equity Statement *
Sport is a prism to society, and has not always and in many ways, continues to not be a very safe place for LGBTQ+ persons. It's important to our club that persons can be their most authentic selves, and play as their most authentic and sincerely held identity. We believe lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and all queer persons should have a place to play the game we all share a love for free from discrimination, judgement and discomfort. All Gray Ducks members are expected to be an Ally, and while we are a predominantly straight club, we are home to over 200 LGBTQ+ players across our 700+ roster spots. Playing in our club means you will defend persons against bias and discrimination, report in real time any concerns and issues, and use persons preferred pronouns.
Please use this field for submission of any questions or notes e.g. persons you want to play with.
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