Mrs. Mead's Dismissal Form 2019-2020
In our efforts to continually keep your children safe, we have implemented the following dismissal procedures.  Your child will be dismissed by their teacher with their grade level at the following times and locations:
Kindergarten, 3:15pm, corner of Cornell and St. Johns
1st Grade, 3:15pm, corner of St. Johns and Byron
2nd Grade, 3:15pm, corner of Cornell and St. Johns
3rd Grade, 3:15pm, corner of St. Johns and Byron
4th Grade, 3:15pm, corner of St. Johns and Byron
Older siblings will walk out and be dismissed with younger sibling's class.

Please observe the guidelines in the carpool and queuing lane provided in the Student Handbook and use the map linked here for your convenience:

Please fill out this form to ensure a safe and organized dismissal.

Please know that you must notify me at 2:00pm if there are any changes to the information you have provided on this form.  You can send a note with your child in the morning, call the main office at 214-780-3100, or email me.

All students must stay with their teacher until we can ensure their proper release according to the information provided.
Your child will not be released without proper notification

All students who have not been picked up 10 minutes after dismissal time will be taken to the front office and a parent will be called.  Please list a number where you can be reached at that time.
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Please indicate below your child's daily procedure for getting home. *
Check off all that apply to your family
Wajib diisi
Your child's name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email Address:
Parent/Guardian Emergency Phone Number:
Please list every individual who is allowed to pick up your child on any given day without prior notification from you. *
Include carpool information
If your child is involved in an after school activity, please indicate the day(s) and how he/she will get home on those days.
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Highland Park ISD. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan