Neonatal Justice Collaborative 2024 Leadership Election Interest
Please indicate interest in any of the following positions by Friday, March 15, 2024. 

More information about the Neonatal Justice Collaborative (NJC), our accomplishments over the past two years, and available leadership positions can be found here. If you have any questions, please email 

For more information about our work, please check out our website or follow us on twitter at @neonataljustice! We look forward to learning and growing with you! 
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Name *
Institution or Organization  *
What is your role?  *
NICU Family Liaison, NICU parent advocate, NICU CHW, NICU nutritionist, RN, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Medical student, Resident, Fellow, NICU Attending, Junior faculty, Senior faculty, etc
Please indicate your interest in a subcommittee leadership position. 

(4 positions available per sub-committee: 2 Junior leaders, 2 Senior leaders; 2 year term limit)
Med Ed & Workforce Diversity
Quality Improvement
Policy & Advocacy
Preference 1
Preference 2
Preference 3
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Are you interested in being a junior leader or a senior leader of a subcommittee? 
A junior leader has 1-5 years of experience in the field whereas a senior leader has >5 years of experience in the field.
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If you have >5 years in the field, are you interested in serving as a Senior Faculty Advisor on the Core Leadership Team? (2 year term)
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What skills and prior experience will you bring to the Neonatal Justice Collaborative if elected into your role? (Limit 1 paragraph) *
Thank you for your interest!
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