Teacher Feedback: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) 
Ripefruit Foundation, is a think tank focused on identifying and strengthening peripheral skills as they appear along the spectrum of neurodiversity. We would like your opinion of Trauma Informed learning environments. Please answer honestly.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that students need and is often used alongside trauma informed teaching methods.
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Which term best describes your teaching environment? *
Which category would you say you fall under? *
How long have you been teaching? *
What would help you employ more Social Emotional Learning techniques? *
What factors/thoughts impact your approach to SEL? *
Please enter your email address below if you would like to be included in more research, some of which may be compensated, or to receive results of this poll:
Feel free to include any additional information that might inform this conversation around Social Emotional or Neurodiverse Resources in a learning environment:
Are you located inside or outside of the US? *
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