2024 Rising Star Award Application
Eligibility Criteria:
1)TRAR Committee Involvement (can't be in name only as attendance and participation is required).
2)Brokers licensed on or after 11/1/2022 are eligible for this award with verifiable production.
3)Candidates can only win the Rising Star Award once in a lifetime.
4)Nominations must be submitted by June 14th, 2024 @  4:30pm.
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Name of person being nominated *
Name of person submitting the nomination.

Member ID# *
Brokerage *
Phone Number *
Please list candidate's TRAR committee involvement: *
Please list candidate's community involvement. (Does the candidate volunteer? Belong to any organizations? Serve in leadership positions? etc.) *
Production: Please list 1)the number of closed sales and 2)total closed volume. *
Thank you for completing the 2024 Rising Star Application!
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