Momentum Contemporary Ballet's The Nutcracker
Please fill out this form once for each individual that needs a ticket. Questions? Contact 

Ohio Union Performance Hall at 5:30 PM on Saturday, December 9
Doors open at 5:00 PM

Tickets are free for anyone with a BuckID.
Tickets are $10 for non-OSU family and friends; please venmo @Momentum-Ballet or bring cash/check to the door.

Please note that the entire front row will be raffled off to and saved for MCB donors.

Guest dancers: Buckeyes on Tap and Stylez Dance Group
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Name of Ticket Holder *
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Is the ticket holder an OSU affiliate (has a BuckID)? *
If not OSU affiliate, how will you pay for your $10 ticket? *
I would like to make an additional donation to Momentum Contemporary Ballet to support the growth of their inclusive community that fosters opportunities for all students to learn and perform ballet.
Donors who contribute an additional $10 or more will be automatically entered in a raffle for front row seats; please indicate in "Additional Comments" how many people are in your party. We very much appreciate your support!
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