UI/UX Designer Contractor

Are you excited about building AI tools to revolutionize one of the world’s oldest industries?

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Name *
Email address *
Phone number (including country code) *
E.g. +1 (617) 000-0000
LinkedIn profile *
If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, a link to your CV is also ok. But LinkedIn is preferred
Portfolio *
Please provide a link and, if needed, a password to access it
Approximately, how many years of relevant full-time work experience do you have?
Only including paid positions (excluding internships) relevant to this role
When are you available to start? *
E.g. "Immediately after offer", or "In two months", ...
What kind of arrangement best describes you *
Place of residence in the United States *
E.g. Cambridge, MA

Please note that we are hiring in the US only. International applications won't be considered.
Are you authorized to work in the US? *
Kindly note that we do NOT sponsor green cards, new visas, or H1B transfers for this position
How did you hear about this opportunity? *
Anything else we should know? (optional)
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