Spirit of IASAS Nomination Form for the 2024 IASAS Golf Championships
The Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asia Schools (IASAS) is a prestigious and exemplary organization. What makes our tournaments and conventions special is the quality of character of the students, coaches, organizers and spectators involved in these events.

The Spirit of IASAS Award is presented to a member of the IASAS Community (individual or team) who exhibits exemplary behavior that builds community and sets the standard for which all IASAS Schools strive to see from our students.

Examples can include an individual or group who has exhibited an act, or acts, of outstanding spirit, courage, character, sportsmanship, a selfless act, or service to others which go well beyond what is expected in their formal role or job, and which significantly benefit the larger community of which they are a part. The award is a certificate presented to the winners as well as having their names included on the Spirit of IASAS plaque that is kept at each of the member schools.

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Your email address:
Your first and last name: *
What school are you from or are representing? *
Who are you nominating? *
What school is the person from that you are nominating? *
Describe the scenario you observed: *
How do you feel this represents the Spirit of IASAS? *
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