Possible Challenges to you and your family.
The purpose of this survey is to learn more about a variety of issues that affect young children (birth to age 8) and their families in Atlantic County. Survey results will inform plans to address issues that are uncovered and help direct CCYC initiatives. We appreciate your candid feedback about your experience in Atlantic County.   Please note your responses are anonymous

YOUR Experience
For each item below, select number that best represents your experience or the experience of a close family member (family members who live in Atlantic County) in the past year using the following scale:
0 = Never an issue, 1 = Rarely an issue, 2 = Sometimes an issue, 3 = Often an issue, n/a = Not applicable

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Access to affordable recreational facilities, parks, camps, or after-school programs.
Clear selection
Access to affordable high quality child care
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Availability of high quality child care near home or work
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Availability of high quality  child care when I need it
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Access to affordable housing
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Unemployment, underemployment, the availability of jobs
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Access to healthy food
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Hunger ( food shortage)
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Crime or safety issues
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Discrimination ( Racial,ethnic, sexual orientation pregnacy )
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Alcohol/drug abuse
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Teen Pregnancy
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Family Violence/Domestic Abuse/Child neglect
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Literacy, trouble reading or writing
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Communication in English
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Access to affordable medical care
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Access to mental health services  
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Affordable health insurance
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Services/care for children with special needs ( speech, physical, occupation therapies)
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Children with challenging behaviors
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Lack of general parenting support or child development information
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Overweight children, lack  of physical activity for children
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What is our greatest concern about raising your child (-ren) and preparing for Kindergarten?
What programs or services would benefit you and your family and /or other families you know?
Do you have any other comments or concerns about your young child or our community?
What zip code do you live in?
What is your gender
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What ages are the children in your home?
For school age children, what type of after school care do/did you use.
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Which category does your age fall in
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What language is spoken at home?
Your race/ethnicity?
Highest level of education
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Where does your family/household income fit?
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