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Automated Analysis of Security Vulnerability in Code Shared in Stack Overflow
This pull request was created based on a review similar code examples posted in Stack Overflow that showed similar code vulnerability.
Could automated vulnerability analyses of code snippets in online forums be useful in your future development tasks?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
It would be useful
It would not be useful
I don't know
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What would be the best way to inform developers of potential vulnerabilities in code examples shared in Stack Overflow?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
A browser plug-in (e.g., the plug-in will activate when a developer visits Stack Overflow and will show whether a code example in Stack Overflow is vulnerable or not)
A website with links to vulnerable code examples in Stack Overflow
An offline tool that can be run ad-hoc on a Stack Overflow question to inform of security vulnerability
A summary of security vulnerabilities found in Stack Overflow that is communicated via email to interested developers
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Do you have any other suggestions to design automated techniques to assist developers to handle security vulnerabilities while using code from online forums? Please write in couple of sentences below
Would you like to informed of such a tool that could be developed in future?
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