Forward 48: Spring 2023 Application
Applications will be reviewed and acceptances made on a rolling basis. 

You are required to take into account transportation time from your area to ensure you are on-time for all in-person sessions. We will provide transportation to and from Milwaukee, Madison, and Green Bay/Oshkosh as needed. Sessions take place on the following Thursdays:

Session 1: In-person: April 27th, 8 AM - 8 PM in Madison, WI (travel time included)
Session 2: May 4th, Virtual 3 PM - 6 PM
Session 3: May 11th, Virtual 3 PM - 6 PM
Session 4: May 18th, Virtual 3 PM - 6 PM
Session 5: May 25th, Virtual 3 PM - 6 PM
Session 6: In-person: June 1st, 8 AM - 8 PM in Milwaukee, WI (travel time included)
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address: *
Birthdate (Optional). This information is used to nominate participants for future awards like 40 Under 40 and BizTimes Rising Leaders awards.
Home Address Line 1: *
City: *
Zip Code: *
Please select your nearest city: *
Your Company: *
Title: *
Were you nominated and/or encouraged to apply by a leader, HR executive, or former participant? *
If yes, what is their first and last name?
If yes, what is their title?
If yes, what is their email?
How did you hear about Forward 48? *
What are some professional goals you hope to accomplish over the next year? *
What is your proudest professional accomplishment? *
You're about to receive a lifetime achievement award. Your mentor is giving your introduction. What would this person say about you? *
Forward 48 will provide the opportunity to learn how top executives have contributed towards social change in our community. What are three things you would like to learn from them? *
In what ways have you contributed to your community? This can include volunteering, community projects or initiatives you've worked on, etc. *
Is your place of employment a nonprofit or community-driven organization?
Do you work for or run an organization with 10 employees or less?
Are you interested in a payment plan should you not be able to pay your tuition in full and/or do not receive employer sponsorship? (Payment plans will allow participants to pay in three installments over the duration of the program)
Please drop your LinkedIn profile URL here: *
Please enter your phone number with area code here: *
Will you or your organization be paying for your $3,000 tuition cost? *
Forward 48’s weekly sessions will be held on Thursdays from 3:00PM - 6:00PM CST, beginning Thursday, April 27th and concluding on Thursday, June 1st. Your attendance is required for all sessions - please confirm you can attend! *
Session Breakdown: We will offer a combination of in-person and virtual options. **Please note, we will continue to monitor the current COVID-19 climate and make an informed decision, closer to launch, regarding our two, in-person sessions as your safety is our first priority.**

Session 1: In-person: April 27th, 8 AM - 8 PM in Madison, WI (travel time included)
Session 2: May 4th, Virtual 3 PM - 6 PM
Session 3: May 11th, Virtual 3 PM - 6 PM
Session 4: May 18th, Virtual 3 PM - 6 PM
Session 5: May 25th, Virtual 3 PM - 6 PM
Session 6: In-person: June 1st, 8 AM - 8 PM in Milwaukee, WI (travel time included)

You are required to take into account transportation time from your area to ensure you are on-time for all in-person sessions. We will provide transportation to and from Milwaukee, Madison, and Green Bay/Oshkosh as needed.
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