Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia - Serbia 2014-2020: Information Session in Subotica, 18 April 2018
At information sessions open to all potential applicants from both countries participating in the Programme, the Managing Authority and Joint Secretariat staff will provide detailed information and practical advice for preparation and submission of applications within 2nd Call for Proposals. Please note that the presentations will be delivered in national languages. Potential applicants are advised to register for an information session at the location geographically suitable for them. Due to the limited number of available places, a maximum of 2 persons per institution are allowed to participate at an information session. After you complete the registration form by clicking „Podnesi“, you don't need to take any further steps as your registration will automatically be saved within the system. Please register for the information session by filling in the data in the registration form below.
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