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Feedback Survey on Student-Driven Transition Planning:
The CA Capacity Building Institute subgroup of the Community of Practice on Secondary Transition Leadership Team is aiming to support student-driven transition planning practices across state partners serving students with disabilities. Please help by completing this brief survey on student-driven planning practices from your perspective. We would appreciate your feedback by September 4th. Thank you in advance for your time.
The CA Capacity Building Institute Team
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* Indicates required question
Please check the box that best describes you:
Educator (Teacher, paraprofessional, related service provider)
Educator (Administrator)
Other agency representative or support provider
Self-advocate or individual with a disability
Other (Please specify)
What age group do you serve? (check all that apply):
Early childhood/Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Community College/University
What does student-driven planning mean to you?
Your answer
On a scale of 1-5, How confident do you feel supporting student-driven planning? (1 - not confident, 5 - very confident)
One a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your LEA in student-drive planning implementation?
(1 - not implementing, 5 - LEA prioritizes this)
How supported do you feel in implementing student-driven planning?
Your answer
At what age do you begin engaging in student-driven planning?
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Clear selection
If applicable, in what ways do you involve your students in student-driven planning?
Your answer
In what ways have you developed your skill set around student-driven planning?
Your answer
Where do you find your resources for student-driven planning?
Your answer
Do you need more support for student-driven transition planning? If so, what specific area?
Your answer
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Your answer
Can we contact you if we have any questions? If so, please provide your name and the best way to contact you.
Your answer
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