Intellectual Property 101 Quiz
Complete this assessment to receive credit for viewing New Mexico Rainforest EDA University Center Seminar, "Intellectual Property 101" by Susanna Kuuttila. Recordings and supplemental materials can be found at
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What are the 4 different types of intellectual property in the United States? *
What website can you visit in order to access the information presented in the "Intellectual Property 101" video? *
List the 3 types of patents available in the U.S. *
List the 4 different types of utility patents in the U.S. *
What is the life of a utility patent in the U.S.? *
True or False? Both utility and design patents may be required to protect manufactured items/inventions in the United States. *
List a few differences between utility and design patents. *
List the 3 criteria required in order for an invention to be patent-able *
True or False? You don't have to "officially publish" a piece of work for it to be copyrighted, it has copy rights the moment the work comes into existence. *
List several advantages that come from registering a trademark with the USPTO? *
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