Request for Consideration
We love new music and up-and-coming artists, that is why we offer reviews on-demand. If you wish to have your music or video reviewed on our Top Shelf Music site or have your band featured as a spotlight, please fill out the form below in as much detail as possible. Please keep in mind that we receive many submissions and we cannot guarantee your content will be chosen to review. We will let you know if you are chosen for our editorial calendar as soon as we can via email.
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Email *
Your Name *
Band or Artist Name *
EPK Link
Provide URL link to the artist's EPK (if applicable).
Article Category *
What kind of article you are hoping to have published on our site at this time? Check all that apply.
FOR RELEASES ONLY: Album / Single Artwork Link
Please provide URL link to album or single artwork (if requesting album / EP / single / music video review).
Please list album / EP / single / music video release date (if requesting release review).
Artist / Band Photo Link *
Provide URL link to approved artist photography. We need at least one HORIZONTAL photo (landscape orientation) for our site layout. All photography must be labeled with photo credit to the photographer/agency.
Music Link *
Provide URL link to artist music. If release is forthcoming, please list advanced listening link or link to Google Drive folder consisting of track file(s).
Is This Artist Registered with BandsInTown? *
Our website pulls tours from BandsInTown, so if artist isn't registered with up-to-date information there, include any show/tour flier images in the Artist/Band Photo Link folder.
Additional Comments *
What should know about this artist / release? Any technical information? Bio? Upcoming release party / tour / collaboration? Please list as much detail as possible to use for article coverage.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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