Donate to Camarillo Pickleball Association
Camarillo Pickleball is a non-profit. All donations are tax deductible.

Camarillo Pickleball Association's hope is to foster community
involvement for pickleball in Camarillo by:
~ providing support to the municipal recreation and parks district of Camarillo so
pickleball courts have a permanent location;
~ providing trainings to pickleball players of all skill levels;
~ providing opportunities for participants to engage in recreational and competitive events;
~ sponsoring, hosting and/or participating in events and activities that promote the sport of

For more information on the Freedom Park Complex and Camarillo Pickleball, please visit

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I would like to donate $ to the Freedom Park Complex
96% of this donation will go to the complex. Stripe Charges 4% for transactions
Or I will write in my own donation amount $ to Freedom Park Complex
Please write in any amount with a "$" so stripe can process
Recurring Donation amount
We can also do recurring/subscription payments.
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I would like to Donate $ to Camarillo Pickleball Association's General Fund
This helps cover costs like insurance, website, software, equipment, net maintenance, balls, and family events where we don't charge enough to cover all costs.
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