Sheffield Data Science & AI Interest Group Update/Sign-Up & Community Registration
Please complete this form if you want to UPDATE your Interest Group (IG) membership, SIGN UP to IGs, or join the community without joining any IG. If you have submitted this form multiple times, your latest submission will overwrite your previous IG memberships.

By submitting this form we will add your email to our community Staff /PGR mailing lists and to group mail lists for any selected IGs.  We use the mail lists to send community meeting calendar invites, news letters, updates and other community related information.

If you are happy with your existing IG membership, you DO NOT need to complete this form.

In general, focussed participation is more manageable and fruitful so we recommend you to join and actively participate in only a small number of IGs.

You can review your current IG membership and learn about the IG forming process.

Please read the Privacy Notice before proceeding.

Thank you for your time,

Emma and Haiping.
Email *
Name [first name and last name] *
Faculty *
Position *
Department/School (sorted alphabetically). If not listed, choose other & specify below. *
Other department: if you choose "Other" above, specify your department below.
1. Interest Groups: Health and Medical Sciences
Keen to Join
Maybe Join
1a. Early and accurate detection, diagnosis and treatment of illness(es)
1b. Tackling mental health (e.g. depression, dementia, and cognitive) problems
1c. Collection, analysis and interpretation of medical images and omic data sets for healthcare
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2. Interest Groups: Data-centric Engineering
Keen to Join
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2a. Data-driven design for sensing and autonomous operations
2b. Physics-guided/ compliant learning for complex systems.
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3. Interest Groups: Science
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3a. Creating and using novel chemicals and materials
3b. Detecting rare events for new insights into the Universe’s fundamentals
3c. Tackling climate/environmental change & understanding biology
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4. Interest Groups: Humanities and Social Sciences
Keen to Join
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4a. Studying mobility, active lifestyles, urban environments, and population health
4b. Revolutionising data-driven research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences
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5. Interest Groups: Security, Business & Public Policy
Keen to Join
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5a. Identifying and tackling mis- and disinformation and enhancing privacy/security
5b. Shaping the future of innovation and entrepreneurship and building trust
5c. AI ED: Pedagogy & policy for education
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6. Interest Groups: Cross-cutting Challenges
Keen to Join
Maybe Join
6a. Best practices for accessible, sustainable and scalable systems
6b. Increasing AI transparency, explainability, interpretability, and energy-efficiency
6c. Safe, smart, connected technology (e.g. robotics) and human-machine interaction
6d. Automating/improving data preparation, access, understanding & exploitation
6e. Using and analysing data to confidently infer causal relationships
6f. Effective and efficient information visualisation to various audiences
6g. Integration of data/knowledge & disentangling of hidden factors
6h. Accounting for uncertainties in models for physical and social processes
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