CoSEF New Member Intake
Please provide the following information for CoSEF leadership to review in consideration of your CoSEF membership request. The following questions are aimed to help CoSEF confirm your passion and interest in Surgical Education, which is the main requirement for membership.

Of note, CoSEF membership is open to all interested post-graduate surgical trainees (residents and fellows) but is not open to medical students or attendings at this time.
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Full Name *
Permanent Email Address: *
Cell Phone Number: *
What institution are you completing clinical residency at?  *
What institution are you completing dedicated research time at? (If Applicable) 
Current PGY-Level:  *
Are you currently taking dedicated research or development time during residency to pursue training in surgical education? *
Are you planning to take dedicated research or development time during residency to pursue training in surgical education? *
Have you already completed dedicated research or development time focused on surgical education? *
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