Cannelton Virtual Academy Enrollment Form 2024-2025
If you/your student is interested in enrolling in the Cannelton Virtual Academy, please fill out the form below. After receiving the form, an administrator will contact you to set up a meeting to discuss details and official enrollment.
If you are interested in enrolling more than one student, please fill out a separate form for each student.

* The Cannelton Virtual Academy is only offered for grades 6-12 at this time. 
*Filling out this form does not guarantee enrollment in the Cannelton Virtual Academy. All enrollment forms are subject to administrator decision.
Email *
Student Name *
Student's Grade Level for the 2024-2025 School Year *
Student's Previous School *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email *
What is the best method to contact you to set up an enrollment meeting? When is the best time of day to get in touch with you? *
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