2020 IDOT Fall Planning Conference Call For Ideas
The 37th Annual Fall Planning Conference is expected to be held virtually over three weeks in October 2020.  

Topic, moderator, organizer, and speaker suggestions are now being accepted.
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Virtual (Webex) Session Dates:
All sessions will be 1-3 p.m.
Tuesday, October 6th & Thursday, October 8th
Tuesday, October 13th & Thursday, October 15th
Tuesday, October 20th & Thursday, October 22nd

This year's conference theme is:
Planning to Rebuild Illinois
The Fall Planning Conference is an event for you.  We would like to deliver content about your good work or areas of interest.  If there are innovating planning activities, initiatives designed to identify and address economic or social inequity, SPR projects, Rebuild Illinois issues or other ideas you’d like to share, learn about and discuss with your colleagues please use the link below to submit them for this event.  We will use them to develop plenary sessions and topic based webinars.  Once we have the content fully developed we will provide detailed information on the content of each webinar.
[SUBMITTAL DEADLINE:  June 26, 2020]
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Telephone Number *
Organization *
I'm interested in... *
What's your idea? *
Do you have additional ideas?  Submit them below.
Does your idea tie to any specific mode?
Check all that apply
Any general recommendations for the overall event?
Comments, questions, or concerns?
Direct comments, questions or concerns to:  dot.planning@illinois.gov
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