Application Form of "Development of Consciousness" Symposium 「意識の発達」シンポジウム応募フォーム
We are excited to announce our Development of Consciousness Symposium!

Our four speakers are Dr.Yumiko Yoshimura from National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Japan, Dr. Yusuke Nakashima from Chuo University in Japan, Dr. Louise Goupil from University of East London in UK, and Yusuke Moriguchi from Kyoto University in Japan. All details can be found below.

Please fill out this registration form to receive the information about the Youtube/Zoom. The content of the symposium will be live broadcasted on Youtube and archived as well. If you do not want to show yourself on Youtube video, please do join the symposium via Youtube and DO NOT join via Zoom.

* We will send you a reminder and the Youtube/Zoom infomation 1 day before the meeting.

Date: 17:00 - 19:10, Nov 30th (JST)
Language: English
17:00-17:05 Introduction
17:05-17:35 Talk 1: Dr.Yumiko Yoshimura, “Roles of visual experience in maturation of neural responses in rat visual cortex”
17:35-18:05 Talk 2: Dr. Yusuke Nakashima, “Absence of visual backward masking in early infancy”
18:05-18:35 Talk 3: Dr. Louise Goupil, “Core and situated metacognition.”
18:35-19:05 Talk 4: Dr. Yusuke Moriguchi, “Representing an invisible agent during early childhood.”
19:05-19:10 Closing

2021年11月30日 (火) 午後5時~7時に行われる学術変革領域B「クオリア構造と情報構造の関係性の理解」が主催する「意識の発達」シンポジウムへの応募フォームです。ZoomとYouTube配信で行います。後日YouTubeにシンポジウムの動画をアップしますので、動画に映りたくない方は、ZoomではなくYouTubeからご参加ください。ご参加を希望される方は、以下のフォームに記入いただき、ご登録を完了させてください。シンポジウム1日前にリマインドとZoom/YouTubeの情報をメールにて送ります。
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